Message: Doni, Lawyerlong

Doni, Lawyerlong

posted on Jun 14, 2007 03:40PM

Doni, I have always enjoyed your input here. There has been enough time for all to judge you and your obvious intelligence. I have to feel that even you, had you been Ferguson, would not have signed this NDA.

Someone here posted that BOW is saying in his filings that no matter what EDig creates, invents, does business with, etc. for the time period of the NDA, all of it belongs to BOW. In other words BOW is making a back door run at OWNING EDIG'S IP, when he has been foiled doing so in the past.

Would you have accepted that?

I might allow you the point that EDig may have had the fear of seeing a business opportunity slip away and therefore signed but, for goodness sake, there was enough time to digest this document, have competent legal counsel pass judgement on it. None was done. That was completely inept on managements part in my opinion.

I cannot see how ANYTHING Lawyerlong said in his recent post on this subject can be disagreed with. Good counsel could have been employed to advise EDig that this NDA was a piece of SH*T completely slanted towards Boyer. That same counsel, if any more competent that EDig's management or any attorney that might have advised them at the time, would have said what LL stated. "There are dozens of ways we can improve on this contract while protecting your "CONFIDENTIAL" (ha) ideas." I am quite sure Doni, if this had been your decision to make that is what you would have done.

Also, you are the "techie" guru on this board. While I don't understand everything you say I get enough understanding to make sense to me.

Are you telling me it would not have occured to you, as technically oriented as you are, that when Boyer mentioned his "Patent Pending" device (or whatever) the first thing you would have done was ask to see (while protecting it's confidentiality) any official paperwork on that device.

Doni, that was one of, if not, the main reason for doing business with Boyer. You would have had to know what that device (or whatever) was in order for you to know what to build or create.

If you are sticking up for management I applaud you. I bleed EDig blood and think the future is bright for the company and am looking forward to playing every golf course that's worth playing worldwide when success does come.

However, when a boil appears on EDig's backside one should be able to point that out without losing faith or having others disparage your doing so.

Lawyerlong has posted very sensible posts on this subject and I have to agree with him.

I hope that doesn't put me on anyones "black" list.


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