Message: skreal, 1coyote, and above all Jefother

skreal, 1coyote, and above all Jefother

posted on Oct 26, 2007 11:34AM

Jefother is a GREEN EYESHADE BOY......He basically does not know what he is talking about or is simply too lazy to even check on the information he posts here to get it right.

 skreal, you are absolutely correct...... THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO DATA TO BACK UP OR PROVE the Vivitar Lawsuit has been factored into the PPS of EDig. However there is ample data to show the opposite. On March 28th. EDig announced DM would be suing IP Infringers on EDig's behalf.   

 EDig's closing PPS on March 19-.189     2o-.202     21-.215     22-.239

23-.2675     26-.28     27-.27     and the 28th. the day of the announcement a whoping .23 

The next day, the 29th.-it really skyrocketed to .24     3oth. - .24

April 2-.23     3-.22     4-.219     5-.205     6-.20

As shown EDig's was trading at $.189 ten days BEFORE the DM announcement.........and a whoping $.20 ten days after the announcement.

Then there is the data from the Vivitar information being found out by the intrepid "sneaks" on this board. It was not a company release.

September 9-.185......This is the same price EDig was at March 19th. On September 10th. - .225     11-.195     12-.20      13-.20     14-.195 17-.19     18-.205     19-.205     20-.206      21-.20

skreal, 1coyotel, do these figures show any "factoring" in EDig's PPS due to, NOT ONLY THE VIVITAR LAW SUIT BUT THE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT COMPANY REALEASE ABOUT DUANE MORRIS...... If anything these figure show EDig was generally trading "HIGHER" BEFORE BOTH ANNOUNCEMENTS......

Some factoring in.....huh???? I just hope if an announcement comes about a settlement with Vivitar  that the PPS goes up the same HUGE, WHOPING amount as shown by the above figures....

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