Message: PACER

So for all who are waiting

posted on Nov 16, 2007 10:10AM

Boy, a great, informative post.....I am surprised you weren't "cautious" and leaned towards EDig not having a chance at the Declaratory Judgement....Makes me feel like there is a heaven....

My own completely, uniformed, uneducated with a gross lack of knowledge of the law, opinion on this subject is derived mainly from your information desseminated here. That opinion says DM is a top rate law firm. It is first and foremost interested in its own reputation and bottom line. It would not jump into the fray unless it has done it's considerable "due diligence" and felt more positive than negative that it would prevail. (***Caution*** anything can happen in a courtroom) That being the case I do believe DM is already 10 steps ahead of the game and has contemplated and planned for all the contingencies. I cannot believe DM has not taken "EVERYTHING" in account "before" taking any action and has presented a case to the court that would disallow their motion. I cannot see DM presenting anything to this court that would allow for a "Declaratory Judgement" This is the first of many and will set the stage for all the rest. It is too important to blow this. That's why I am "very" confident we will go to the next step. (***CAUTION***anything can happen in a court room)

LL you had better watch out, you could turn into an optomist and blow everything....

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