Message: Hard to Believe

Re: sky/LL/Hard to Believe

posted on Jan 11, 2008 08:07AM

You are the ultimate "DOWNER".....The only silver lining behind the curtain is tarnished according to you.......My recolections of this stock are of sitting with R. Putnam with him telling me the doors were "VERY" close to closing, no income, no product being sold to anyone, very few prospects....

Since then EDig has a new "boss" who has made a dramatic turn around in the companies fortunes. EDig initiated the IFE hand held revolution with Alaska Air. Since then most of the promises made by Mr. Blakely have come to fruition. If you recall almost all of what EDig is about today was "EXPECTS", or "SOON" or "LOOKING FORWARD TO INFORM YOU...ETC..." at one time or the other....WHY SHOULD THOSE EXPECTS, OR SOONS, BE ANY DIFFERENT TODAY THAN YESTERDAY????

How about "We are going to intitate monitizing our IP from companies who are using that IP without our permission....That was a "soon"...It seems to be taking place right now, or is that just verbage to you????? I take it you give no credibility to DM and their press releases and filings.....???????????

How about..."We are negotiating with a "MAJOR" airline for their use of our eVU.....seems that happened. Or is that just more bullsh*t from the mouth of RP???

How about the best quarterly and yearly earnings this company has ever had, or are you discounting that also as "JUST WHAT HAVE TO DONE FOR ME LATELY"???????

Every time something positive concerning EDig, factual or "EXPECTATIONS",you are there immediately casting aspertions, demeaning hopes for a vast majority of the shareholders of EDig who wish to see success for this company.

You couch all your negative bile in Dragnet style, Joe Friday's JUST THE FACTS MAAM.........

Too bad for someone who has contributed much to this board over the years....  

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