Message: Here's what makes me wonder

Re: Here's what makes me wonder

posted on Mar 04, 2008 03:50AM

"If granted they have to serve notice on the impleaded defendants who then have a certain amount of time to respond. I'm not sure what role DM would play except to possibly oppose the motion (don't think they would)."

I'm a little confused on the above two points.

"If granted they have to serve notice on the impleaded defendants"

By that, I surmise your meaning Vivitar?

"I'm not sure what role DM would play except to possibly oppose the motion (don't think they would)."

No way would they oppose the motion....If Vivitar is pointing the finger at some other entity or entities....I would think that DM would have a very keen interest as to who they are. That is the point of my question. If DM has an interest in who they are, do they have a right to make Vivitar point them out? Or is it something that is left entirely to Vivitars discretion at what point they reveal?

Thanks for your response


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