Message: Here's what TPL/PTSC has collected / est. to date , Familar co'sLicense No

Re: Here's what TPL/PTSC has collected / est. to date , Familar co'sLicens

posted on Mar 07, 2008 03:09AM
thats why I stated that if there was a settlement that the first 100 million should go to the stock holders. There is always the chance that the company will piss it away on salaries and other crap. Let the next 100 million go for what ever inprovement needed to make EVU a success. After that lets reall get a decent dividend to the stock holders agaion and again. If there is that kind of money that is in this dream world then lest really dream otherwise let just do the businmess of selling our product and developing our product so as to the compamy becoming a trully good investment. JMHO
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