Message: Re: OT:...WOW...PTSC down 25%!?

"Just think about the early EDIG moves and the tone of the conversations by a plurality of posters.  A $20 Billion target market is a very appealing opportunity at hand for investors to consider.  That is our future, the company's future and the future for new investors to analyze...and that should be the centerpiece of the discussion if you want to attract new investors." DB

Remember, back then Apple was a minority player whose market share was only 4.5% of the computer market with a loyal, hard core niche following.

They came late to the MP3 party but had something unique to offer that just plain took off and has increased their shareholder value 10 fold at least, turning them into a very different company.  Jobs billed their MP3 player as something that would change the world....well it did for them.  Had it become just another ho hum MP3 player what would have become of Job's genius?

He SOLD his concept and the world bought in.  Granted it was pretty dang cool but it was hardly an original idea and it was EXPENSIVE..  It now makes up over half of the company's revenue stream and continues to drive their stock price.

The word will get out again should DM perform and the market potential for just 10 infringers will be quickly figured out by the market with respect to over 174 infringers.

Apr 11, 2008 06:30AM
Apr 11, 2008 06:55AM
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