Message: LL, personal inquirery??

LL, personal inquirery??

posted on Apr 16, 2008 05:20PM

I sincerely, with no intent except to look into your heart, would like to know why the "Dark Side" has taken over your soul. I remember the "good ole days" when your posts were positive, uplifting, even funny at times. Your timing may have been off with your expectations but I still believe what you projected in the past will definitely come to fruition and I still appreciate your insights here.

I am also wise enough, I hope, to know and agree with you now, "that the game isn't over intil the fat lady sings, but I find myself in much more agreement with Daboss than you at present and I am very puzzled by that. Of all the posters on this board you have more insight and knowledge about how this game is played. Of any of us you should, in my mind, be leading the cheers rather than being "realistic" as you put it.

I agree with Daboss more because of many reasons but mainly just one. Duane Morris....and this is where you come in. Your knowledge, your insight, your contacts all spell out someone who should know as I do that Duane Morris was chosen by EDig to handle "Infringement" for them. If you recall EDig had other suiters but chose DM because they offered EDig the best deal.

And that comes to why I, and perhaps you, should be patient but down right enthusiastic as to where EDig and DM are now.

DM is one of the largest legal firms in the world. It is well known to be a top patent infringement firm. DM is not is the business of losing cases much less losing money. I am sure EDig's patents were checked out fully by DM"s experts, not only in law but by those "technical lawyers" hired by DM to assess the validity of EDig's patents and if a case could be successfully made in a courtroom. (You have stated so many, many time in the past)


I don't believe DM would have come near this case if they felt it was a crap shoot, that perhaps a case could be made, we might win, we might lose. We will take EDig's case if they wish to pay us, but that didn't happen.

Contingency is the word. This company, DM, KNEW WHAT IT WAS GETTING INTO. I am sure that Will Blakely, Fred Falk, Robert Putnam and yes, Woody Norris were so closely examined that Duane Morris knew what they did playing in their backyard sandbox 40 years ago. I am sure those 5 patents were gone over with a microscope and also the named infringers were also closely inspected along with their patents. DM WOULD HAVE TO KNOW ALL TO JUMP INTO A CONTINGENCY CASE OF THIS MAGNITUDE TO BE BROUGHT AGAINST SOME OF THE BIGGEST COMPANIES IN THE WORLD.

DM CHOSE to be where they are right now. My hopes might have waned somewhat due to the lack of news and I opined that DM might have jumped in to test the waters with Vivitar and if it was a bust then they gave it shot, didn't spend too much and we will see you later.

But then 6 more infringers were named and filed against with two more in the wings (all biggies) we are told. That was all my spirits needed to come from the "Dark Side" (almost) back to "Obi one Kanobi" (Daboss)

LL, how can you not be excited by that??? DM didn't take on EDig without the "boys in the boardroom" saying we have a great case here. Not 50-50, Not 60-40, Not 70-30 but higher. They have top flight lawyers on this, they are spending a hell ova a lot of THEIR money on this......THEY EXPECT TO WIN......THEY ARE NOT CONTEMPLATING A "MAYBE" .

That is why I am where I am......You of all the posters here have more insight into exactly what's going on. I cannot fathom why you continue to be "realistic" Frank

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