Message: RE: EDIGlong/Sorry but I think you have had much tooooo much tonite

RE: EDIGlong/Sorry but I think you have had much tooooo much tonite

posted on Mar 25, 2005 06:27PM
I know the man. He is not even close to what you state....Only one other alias, used on his own board until 3 or 4 years ago, been EDiglong ever since then...Doesn`t work for a boiler plate...I know where he works....He is closer to being a Mexican than a Canadian...And he is most assuridly not a ``PUMPER OR DUMPER``, he enjoys ``tweaking`` and does have a habit of ``pissing`` a few posters off, but he does it just to allieviate the boredom.... Just where are you getting all this????
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