Message: pusher has a question?

I have to wonder sometimes with all those that are on this site who are lawyers that they for some reason fail to see the real issue of patent infringment.

Look, if I intentionaly stole something i can expect to go to prison and spend time there for my crime. Not so in this case. If your that stupid not to see that what was done was done with forethought knowing that the penalty for what you do will not deprive you of your property, which is the money you made, or your time, no one has gone to prison even if it was proven that patent theft was achieved.

You lawyers have in effect been the cause for why this continues to happen over and over again.

Thats why there is a need to really make an example so that patent infringment stops. Let it be known that if proven the company will have all assets made from that theft go to the injured party period.

These companies that were partnered with EDIG knew dam well that what EDIG had was of great value to them and that they could use it make billions and then a need to take them into court to have as some have suggested a pittance awarded to the injured party and the infringer very happy because they have made their billions on an idea that was not theirs.

Sorry but I have a vengeful spirit in me that say kill the bast-rds for what they did. I invested my money because I thought that this company had a great product only to have it stolen under the guise that we were somehow "Partners". That turned out to be fraud and these people belong in Jail. Now we know that will not happen but the removal of all fuinds that they have made as a result of theit theft, That would put the nail in the coffin of all potential infringers of the future. I say kill them. take it all away from them, they don't belong in business.

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