Message: Seen this?

"I'll couint my blessings when we actually get a favorable ruling. Until then, all bets are off."


You've got time to back out with 11 3/4 cents today.

There's yet another consideration that may be in our favor, That is, with putting up the bucks they would not entertain(or would they) solicitation from a large corp.

I don't trust anyone in this industry or the legal profession.

I still have it in my mind that it is possible for a company to end up with our patents through unscrupulious channels.

DM is holding 108 and 445... They are securing them for obvious considerations, at least it looks to be obvious.

If they spend 10 mill and we end up with adverse claims construction through the Markman process, I'm going to go into conspiracy

10 mill or 15 mill would be a cheap buy....

I wait like you Richard...but for a different reason...fore, IMO...someone could corner this tech cheap using the right channels.

I'm saying this, because DM has not secured the other patents leaving the company some what intact for the share holders.

Just call me super


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