Message: Between now and SHM

Going back in time EDIG has gone through the worst of times and it still is around. The question is how and why??? From the assulat of the DOT COM's by Greenspan till now to say that EDIG was put through the ringer is to put it mildly. Even now with Gas going through the roof the companie is still afloat and has the confidence of not only people here but also members of the staff that runs the show. Its alway a good thing when a company is on a slope downward that part of the owners put new blood into the company and do so because they still believe there is more than a chance for it to succeed. Just review what you already know about this company and you come to the same conclusion that most of us have , that we stand to make a lot of money if and when external things get straight.

I'mk keeping mine inspite of all the bull schitt mentioned.

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