Message: I am sorry Daboss isn't here, where is he when you need him??

I am sorry Daboss isn't here, where is he when you need him??

posted on Aug 12, 2008 12:55PM

We haven't been reminded of the "BIG PICTURE" ever since Daboss went silent and I for one miss that....

Lets look at the "BIG PICTURE".....abreviated.....EDig working with many large companies in the past using their IP with those companies.

Some of those companies we worked with closely have had access to our IP and are now "on the infringers list and are being sued" Is it likely (yes in my opinion) they have used EDig's IP in their products...??

Pat Nunnelly didn't spend all that time identifying Boca Ball partners. He knew what to look for, found what he was looking for, and was able to name 174 companies that he had proved to himself, EDig's management and Duanne Morris, that had purloined EDig's IP without permission and just compensation.

DM, no slouch of a law firm, infact ranked in the top 10 of all IP law firms, took on EDig's infringement cases ON CONTINGENCY AND WILL BE UPFRONTING ALL LEGAL COSTS. DM has stated it will not take on an IP case unless it has (in their opinion) a 75% chance of winning that case.

Lawsuits have been brought against 8 named offenders to this point with 2 more to be named (shortly??). Those named offenders include some of the biggest companies in the world. A figure of 20 BILLION has been bandied about as to the monies EDig's lawsuit has to tap. I know DM wants a healthy bite of that.

DM may not control the judicial timings but you can be it is not going to wait 3-4-5 years for it to replenish its coffers or have some judgement that it will be doing so.

EDig has the eVu....We don't know what the future is regarding the sale of that product but we do know it is being used by quite a few airlines and is well thought of in the industry.

We have no news of any sort, that is why the BIG PICTURE is being forgotten. It is still there and the potential is still there.

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