Message: How about LG ELECTRONICS USA


We started with most eveyone doubting if there were any "Settlements" at all...

Now that we have a name of a major electronic manufacturer we are doubting the settlement will be in the $100's of million catagory as was said by the management to shareholders about one month ago...Pray tell WHY?...

I can believe you if you say it is beyond your comprehension that anyone would give EDIG $100'S of millions of dollars. That would be a reasonable statement. It does require a leap of faith...

However, there is no basis for assuming that EDIG will get $15 million. That is against what management has said, and is illogical that DM would recommend such a paltry settlement...

When you consider the size of LG'S pocket, and the length of their infiringing and the future license that will be less than 1/2 penny per a $40-$300 cell phone they sell...

Someone posted here that Nokia sells 18 cell phone a second. Even if LG sold 5 cell phone a second that is 1, 578, 150,000 cell phones they sold during the last 10 years...

Even at $.10 cents per cell phone that is $157,815, 000.00 dollars for past infingement, plus they decided to cross license their tech for future...

I can't see DM not doing such calculations and settlting for 15 or 30 million dollars...



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