Message: For what it's worth

Re: For what it's worth

posted on Nov 15, 2008 11:40AM

I pushed the wrong damn button so I will continue

LG assessed their liability, decided it was not worth any future expenses and settled.

I don't know how legalese your thought process is but if I am one of the other 8, with LG settling and a Markman upcoming and I know I have the same liabilities as LG admitted to then I sure as heck am going to settle.

Only this time it won't quite be as cheap. Also if I do not and a Markman is held and I don't fare so well then my cost is going up, way up.

As I stated in my original post which is does not seem you read, there will be muliple filings by the end of the fiscal year. RP (from his lips to my ears) mentioned "at least 20".

There was no mention of DM not continuing on, in fact RP stated now that DM "was made whole" it was continuing on with an accelerated schedule.

YOu can be "Darth Vadar" all you want. Perhaps you have some converts out there.

The fact remains, WHICH YOU WISH TO OVERLOOK, that what has been promised us shareholders since WB walked in the front door has occured.

We have a product, the eVu, well respected, we have customers, we were promised infringement action, we got it. We were promised "settlements" we have the first one with more promised and not an idle (Darth Vadar) type of promise.

Geez, just what in the heck do you want? Expect to parse every word out of RP's mouth.,???

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