Message: jdtiii


posted on Apr 19, 2005 11:44AM
I have been around NCII/EDig since 1991...(First purchase, 1,000 shares on a whim hoping it would double and I could get out) Well it more than doubled and I became (``almost``) ``stinkin`` rich, selling many thousands at 19-20. (Darn I missed the top) Unfortunately for me I didn`t sell the rest of my shares and bought many more as the PPS declined. I hung on for the same reason all of us here have, because of the POTENTIAL we all saw or else I would have a severely damaged backside from kicking myself all these years.

I do not look at the particulars as you do. I do not worry if we are getting our ``Daily Bread`` from RP Speak. I tend to look at a much broader picture for my comfort zone. Information I GATHER, NOT HEARD FROM RUMORS. IE: Are the doors still open? The electricity still on? Essentially the same ball players making up the team? Are we hiring (not replacing) new techies? Are we doing (verified) business with solid partners? Is our product ``on the cutting edge`` and wanted in the marketplace? Is the information we are getting from solid sources, other than EDig? Are we ahead, behind or even with our competitors? Is our bottom line better now than 2-3 years ago? Is it showing improvement? There is more but why belabor the obvious. We, you and I, are invested in a company that is much different and, in my mind, more advanved than 2 years ago and even last year...As long as the aboves hold true I don`t need constant assuagement. I am not leaving so why should I worry about the latest from the nay-sayers on this board?

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