Message: Robert's response. Read all through "Business Litigation."

The two salient points not made entirerly clear from RP's response were

#1. A judge has already ruled that EDig's eVu was NOT the same product as the Digeplayer made for BOW by EDig and therefore was NOT in competition with the Digeplayer therefore the Non-Compete claus was moot......(the judge did not say the non-compete claus was moot, that was my assumption from his ruling that the Digeplayer and eVu were two distinct separate products therefore no competetion could exist)..... I know LL will jump on that one.

#2.....The basis for all the legalities Wencor has brought has nothing to do with what BOW has stated in his case against EDig. It is simply BOW's consuming desire to own EDig's IP, (IE: our patents....774, 445, etc...) He knows what they are worth and thought he purchased them when he bought Boyer's company. When he found out he had NOT purchased EDig's IP (and there are many facts and pieces of evidence to show he hadn't) he realized he had not done his homework he was furious over it..(This from his sons who work for Wencor) He then attempted to state a payment he made to EDig of $25,000 was proof positive of his purchase of EDig's IP. (by the way if anyone here thinks FF and RP, who knew the value of the patents, sold out EDig for $25,000, give no credit to those two men who have kept this company alive for 20 years) In fact I discussed this with RP (the value of the patents) years ago. At this point EDig was trying to keep the doors open and the lights on and were absolutely unable to do ANYTHING to capitalize on the value of those patents except sell them.

According to FF, that was NEVER in the cards. So along comes BOW and says EDig sold out to him which would have meant EDig would have been a subsidiary of Wencor occupying a basement office somewhere in Utah. In other words EDig would have ceased to exist.

If anyone thinks of the trials and tribulations EDig has gone through these past years give any credence to BOW's claim that EDig would sell the heart of the company for $25,000 should be buying that bridge in Brooklyn.

The above is the heart of the lawsuit brought by BOW and has been countered at every turn by EDig. BOW just keeps throwing **it against the wall to see what sticks and hopes EDig will capitulate.

EDig has not and WILL NOT......Our future is bright.....and by the way did you notice the recent press release by Wencor DID NOT state the product they use (Digeplayer) they claim has made them the leading IFE company in the world WAS CREATED AND MADE AND SUPPLIED TO THEM BY EDig.

Seems to me if all of BOW's legal claims had merit why would he have purchased them from EDig........He says he owns the patents HE WOULD NOT NEED EDIG, WOULD HE NOW...

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