Message: What hypocracy..

What hypocracy..

posted on Mar 15, 2009 11:37AM

Sky, LL are gone (so they say) because they are being critisized for their (realism) my word (negativism) and Thy (whatever) says he is gone for the same reason but in reality his posts have been common garden variety bashing. He has attempted to convince us of untruths which are blatent and contravened by RP himself.

I find myself in awe of posters who can be negative and expect us to accept their negativism without a reply, saying we are the "bad guys" for questioning anything they say.

That's pure hypocracy......

Am I the "bad guy" for pointing out an untruth from a poster? Am I a "bad guy" for replying to an obvious negative post when the (ONLY) purpose of that post is to create doubt of my "positive" outlook?

For a poster to feel he is "put on" because someone replies to his post with a different opinion is trying to have it both ways......His position is OK but your position is not......

I don't care who you are on this board, I will NEVER accept those terms.

And those that can't stand the "heat" have no sympathy from me and show a lack of conviction that is easily swayed...

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