Message: What if ?

Some have questioned the validity of the pattens owned by EDIG. It has already been proven that they own them. The question is when they were in discussions with these mega Giants did they give away the store when in negotiations. Edig say "NO". Now there is a question about what it is that EDIG is developing or is there anything in the pipe line for the future??

Not to long ago there was a company called Qualcom. I believe thats how you spell it. Anyway , they stopped producing what ever it was making that had to do with telephones. But the had a patten and it was better then anythink that ATT or Bell or any telepone company had going. Every maker of cell phones needed to change to what they had and they all paid the piper for the use of that patten. An investment of 1000 dollars made a person rich beyond dreams.

When I first bought EDIG I paid 24 dollars a share and the prospect for going much higher was in the cards. Well we had the DOT com disaster yet the company managed to stay alive. Problem it becamse involved with the scum bags that were interested only in the use of their property but were not willing to pay for it. One such company is Samsung. There are another 170 scumbags that did the same thing. Edig suffered as a result of the theft and we are at the end of the road of justification. These companies made billions on that property and they owed EDIG for much of that success.

THEY NEED TO BE MADE TO PAY FOR WHAT THEY DID. There are 10 million shares ouitstanding a lousy billion would approximatly get only 3 plus dollars. That is way short of the 24 bucks I paid for mine. We went through 9 years of this trail and error and its now time to make these theives pay. Lets start at at least v1 billion dollars and go from there and the hell with putting anything in a pipe line and let these theirves keep on paying as they contionue to use EDIG>

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