Message: Stupid question

Variety is the spice of life, they have to give customers choices, may be the 7 inch built toward kids and the 8 inch more for adults, look at the sony e-reader it comes in two screens 5 inch and 6 inch it is just a matter of preference, just cannot wait to see Sony and Apple on our watch list.

I like the new website the light is coming thru starting a new day or a new era as our light will shine soon thru more defendents and more cash to our waistline.

Thanks Doni for a job well done also thanks to Silver and Jef for providing you the necessary info to provide us with your master piece.

Thanks Sman, Gil, Daboss, Dischino and all the fine poster for you DD.

The Kid I was looking for a speech but it is ok.

very busy got to run all the best to all.

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