Message: As of 06-22-05

As of 06-22-05

posted on Jul 09, 2005 05:07PM
``Also, the company reported it has a backlog of product purchase orders of approximately $1.9 million that it expects to ship in the first and second quarters of fiscal 2006...``

They ARE selling something, and apparently continue to do so as they just came off of reporting $4.25 million for fiscal `05, a 24% increase over fiscal 2004 revenues of $3.42 million.

IFE growth alone will likely beat last years numbers without factoring in anything else.

However, I think it`s a bit premature to analyze the product mix until we get some firm numbers and a better idea of where KINO is headed and what is going down on the embedded front. They will show growth well beyond Q-1 `05 (which isn`t going to be too tough) and are off to a much quicker start for `06 with ATUL`s expectations set higher for year two of his reign....

and this comes all before we know anything further about the digEsystem and KINO/Kiosk developments.

ATUL needs to establish a steady and growing IFE business that sets EDIG into the black and then turn on that inside fastball to belt one out of the park....KINO, KINO, KINO!!!!

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