Message: RE: I am not a techie but/That begs the question

RE: I am not a techie but/That begs the question

posted on Jul 11, 2005 12:57AM
You try to split hairs between ``Owned`` and ``Developed`` If I am Wencor doing my DD purchasing APS I would certainly know APS ``OWNED`` the Digeplayer or why would I buy the company in the first place??? I would also CERTAINLY know that the baggage handler I purchased the rights to the DP from had not ``developed`` the technology that is the core of the DP.

No one in the world can convince me that Wencor`s next inquirery to APS would be, ``Do you own or have a patent on the technology in this device``??

Wencor had to know the ``guts`` of the DP was owned and patented by EDig BEFORE the purchase of APS took place...

As I said in a previous post....If Wencor did not know that then EDig should not be involved with a company that dumb.

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