Message: 75% vs 50-50%

emit can correct me if I am wrong, but my interpretation of his 75% chance of winning the Markman prediction, stems from DM's agreement to take the EDIG IP challenge on contingency, based on a committee vote they do internally, that if they see a 75% chance of success, they'll roll the dice.

DM spent over a year doing their DD, and signed us up. They also in this deal, had EDIG agree to a lein on the patents...assumably for collateral. They also have a clause as to how much their take would be should EDIG receive a tender offer, and they'd even broker the deal. All this leads me to believe, DM's confidence level is very high.

The obvious conclusion I have to make, and I think most here would agree, unless DM could determine with very little doubt in their mind, the validity of the patents, and the fact that there is no prior art (even Apple said that right?), and 175+/- obviously infringed, why take the case with zero coin up front and beyond?

My confidence level to be successful at Markman, is higher than emits prediction, but I won't put a number on it, as it stirs the pot here and none of us need that.

BTW, what good is a lein on the patents if they are no good to start with???

My take on things, my opinion, and just for alve...BADA BING!!!

Just jokin with ya alve...LOL.

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