Message: Restating the obvious...

Restating the obvious...

posted on Jul 12, 2005 08:48AM
What does Wencor gain from IMS?

1) open positions filled with IFE experienced staff

2) TDL tech -- something EDIG does not have an answer for today

3) manufacturing management if Wencor wants to bring in-house

4) a notebook ``portable IFE`` with duct tape and plastic as it`s primary and unproven security system

Is there anything Wencor receives from IMS that EDIG can assist in improving? My WAG is YES. See #4.



SGE added, and rightfuly so:

And you can safely add one thing to your list of 4:

5) One less competitor

And probably a sixth:

6) Potential customer contacts (contracts?)

These things I KNOW!



So, if we were to believe Wencor is totally dumping EDIG, it would, at a minimum, take several months to ramp down EDIG manufacturing and orders with deposits in hand. Yes, EDIG history would not be on the white hat side. So be it. In my Kool Aid drunken opinion, not likely EDIG gets totally dumped. Wencor wants to own this market and EDIG would be free to sell their tech to brand P, who would quickly announce they purchased the ``Product of the Year`` technology and now call it X.

However, if Wencor opts to use IMS`s experienced IFE product managers, AND EDIG allows their tech to be managed by others (BIG ``AND``); then EDIG would lose a portion of their management fees but keep the ``tech inside`` fees and any new NRE fees to make compatible with TDL (if not there today).

That`s my story and I`m sticking to it until we get manna from management or a red hot poker in the, uh, eye. Both possible, but I kinda like the former and kinda hate the latter.


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