Message: Well, One thing we know ABSOLUTELY

Well, One thing we know ABSOLUTELY

posted on Jul 14, 2005 07:41AM
The handheld Digeplayer REQUIRES EDig`s MOS to meet the requirments of the studos and airlines. EDig owns and has patented (I think) the insides of this product.

It cannot be used in a similar product without EDig`s consent.

That means, in my mind, that as long as Wencor is going to sell the Digeplayer (hand held) then EDig will either be paid or still be responsible for it`s delivery.

So we now have a question of the future of IFE`s. Is the direction of the business going strictly to embedded? (or will airlines like Alaska still have satisfaction in the DP it currently uses) Will other airlines still want the simplicity of a handheld or will all new orders for any airline be embedded?

My personal opinion is there are still many many airlines out there that will go with the hand held thereby still creating a need for EDig in the process. Unless of course another company creates what EDig has created and comes to market as a competitor. So far there is no one on the horizen to do that....

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