Message: AGORA Rule # 5

When I look at the responses made here I look at as if family member of edig are speaking. In a family you never have a conversation where all are in agreement. You have to take most of it with a grain of salt.

Some comments are extrodinary like SS and others that stick to issues others are just made so as to be heard from. There really is no reason for any of us to get up tight. People have paid their money to be in this family and are to a degree entitled to make their opinions known. We might not agree with them but thats what happens in families.

Lets give some of those a little space and I do mean little. At the same time rules are rules if one wants to comment he needs not badger the rest of us over and over again and not every comment need to be answered in an adverse way. Just move on.

I can agree that we must wait until Markman is finished and done with. It no longer is a question to take management to task at least not for the moment. The best decision made by them was DM. I have had my issues with management but at this point in time it no longer matters. What matters is the decision. If it goes out way and we make money masnagement can be excused for what ever in my opinion. Till then let all try to be a little civil and generous we are a family whether we like it or not..

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