Message: Could EDIG help serve as a good defense?

"Why would Apple have settled now? It’s enticing to think about how this case might relate to others that Apple is facing—for example against Samsung, and potentially against Lodsys if it is granted the right to participate in its case with developers. Licensing patents from one place could be a good defense against patent attacks from another. "


It appears the perspective continues to evolve from one of the "digging in of heels" and "going the distance", to settling and licensing. Although EDIG has not filed any litigation against Apple, they are nearing the conclusion with NOKIA...and imo, Apple is a likely infringer, if not the premier target for EDIG...certainly one of the most high profile.

Will this new pattern serve EDIG well? EDIG would be a cheap buy for cash laden companies like Apple looking to strengthen their patent defense efforts. Lord knows they spend a fortune litigating.

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