Message: I'm a real novice at this. But I can understand english.

From what I have gathered from the discussion of SS and others who are technically up there is How the hell did this judge come off with this non decision. She had the schematics, the written documents , she's a judge and knows the english language, she has clerks that also were soposed to be well versed in Patten language and presentations.

There were experts that gave testimony, there was the owner and the inventor of edig that gave testimony . And what do we get------ A non decision by a judge who has less understanding than me , who after following the transcripts and the word for word anyalisis of our experts and there's .I can see that they have infringed and with purpose.

The question then comes, that since this is obvious to even"ME", why this type of a decision?

I stated that it smelled then and it still does. This is not just some mis-understanding, this smells.

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