Message: Shares out, comment

350 mln auth and 293 mln outstanding.

One of the things mentioned from time to time by the NNN's as sunpoop used to call them, is EDIG has printed shares to stay alive. OK, consider this:

Hi, Joe,

On January 26, 2000 we had 124,529,739 shares outstanding.

Best regards,

Robert Putnam,
Sr. Vice President

So, in 11 years we are up approx 168.5 mln or 15.32 mln/yr. You be the judge if this is excessive....

Also, the last time a proxy vote included a request to share holders to increase it was the vote before the Sept 17, 2008 SHM for 50 mln. I remember a guy in the back of the room (EDIG's conf room) that day say to RP, "why did you not ask for 100 mln, we would have approved it?" The reply, "if we needed 100 mln we would have asked for it."

Then at the Nov-2009 SHM Fred announced we were debt free.

So, we have 15/16 months of cash based on current info, excluding any future eVU service revs/sales. Now you know why they rented a cool conf room at the Rancho Bernardo Raddison with coffee and

The HOYA & Panasonic settlements were far more than I was thinking.

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