Message: Re: related encrypted applications-imo / stain??

Glad you have a sense of

Seriously, "to error is human, to forgive is devine."

In my 37 year work career after college, I made many mistakes in my field, that cost my employers money, and can trickle down to others who had nothing to do with my mistake. The same is true of ones personal life.

When one makes a mistake, it should be a learning experience, to not do the same thing again...avoid it as mush as possible.

In the tech world, where patents are in play, the largest of them all, MSFT & AAPL, have been sued for IP theft and they have stolen IP. This issue is rappant regardless of how big, medium or small the company is.

As to learning from mistakes, EDIG did not protect themselves, they know it, we know it. So, do I forgive them? At 3 cents a Have they learned and now protecting themselves re: reexam law firm, new patent filings law firm (under the radar no less), DM going after those who stoled EDIG's IP due to past mistakes, DM representing EDIG as of June-2010 for the encryption patent pending...I see they have learned, so I will gradually forgive them if the PPS recovers.

In the mean time, posters past, present and future, will receive push back from this group, because we already know what management did wrong, don't need to hear it over and over, no more than a Wife (sorry gals...only to make a point) reminding me of all the totally stupid things I did that effected her negatively, from 1988 thru 2007...capiche what these years represent?

If I could only flag the Wife for violation of rule #5 and delete her comment, that would solve the issue, but I can't because she's a hub leader too.....

Feb 21, 2012 12:31PM
Feb 21, 2012 04:24PM
Feb 21, 2012 08:01PM
Feb 21, 2012 08:48PM
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