Message: The Sky "Is Not" Falling

"The sky is not falling" at least not yet. The eDig story has not been completed, the ending is not pre determined. Regardless of mistakes made in the past, poor management decisions, bad luck/timing Murphy's law or whatever else that has or may occur the story is not over.

While the least desirable outcome may come to pass, it is by no means a lock. eDigital has been in "much worse" condition than it finds itself currently. Massive debt, no product, no income, no attorneys, law suits brought on by crooks, thieving companies etc. adnauseum.

IMO we are "lucky to even be around" more companies than can be listed are not. This little company in comparison to other similar companies/circumstances is the "Little Train That Could" It has pulled itself up by the bootstraps time after time when things looked impossible. Which in of itself is an accomplishment. "Hopefully" it will pay off one way or the other for us the least we're still in the game.

So cheer up the Sky Isn't Falling!


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