Message: I have doubts about the manufacturing end, but

I have doubts about the manufacturing end, but

posted on Sep 17, 2005 11:32AM
No one, absolutely no one, including Brent of Wencor (BOW) has given me one factual reason, nor has there been given ANYWHERE one opinion reason as to someone else besides EDig being involved in the design of the DS.

The DS is based on the design of the DP

APS and EDig unveiled the DS at the tradeshow in Seattle?? BEFORE Wencor bot APS

If Wencor is NOT using EDig or its design for the DS then it had to have created the DS completely from the ground up with another company and as much as we know EDig is not a household name I am quite sure that bit of info would have leaked out somewhere and been picked up by the ferreters on this board. I am positive of that. Can you imagine design company ``SPA`` signing a contract with Wencor to do that work without it being known by its shareholders or others close to that company. And knowing BOW it would NOT be a large company because Wencor would want control which it would not get so it would have to be another EDig or close to it in which case SOMEONE would know...That kind of news ALWAYS finds its way to the marketplace.

There is no time to do what BOW wants from another company designing the DS from the ground up.

EDig has no reason other than BOW to have a presence at the WAEA.

EDig may not be involved in the manufacturing, since BOW would want to control that end, but I see no way EDig not involved in the design of the DS.

Then again, as SGE state, I know nothing, or as

gelta(something) says I may be FOS....

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