Message: Re: exhibit to 8-k
Sep 17, 2012 06:02PM
Sep 17, 2012 06:22PM
Sep 18, 2012 01:02PM

I'm convinced that DM wanted out long before that letter was written. It's virtually impossible to know for sure what caused the breakup. My money's on DM no longer willing to work exclusively on a contingency basis. There were probably other factors too. DM might have lost interest in what they originally thought was a real money maker and decided the adverse Markman decision changed things, considerably. Let's face it, if they thought there was still big bucks in this and if EDIG actually was the party who wanted to end the relationship , they could have made EDIG an offer EDIG couldn't refuse. I don't attach any significant importance to the letter. For all we know, DM could have acted in kind. There may be legal issues requiring EDIG to deliver that letter. I'm not an attorney.....dunno.

The $30K/mo payment to the new firm is interesting. The fact that those funds will be considered as partial payment of any funds due the firm from contingency awards makes it easier to digest. The amount is relatively nominal.

I wonder what the new firm's policy is regarding news releases? Who was responsible for the dearth of info released these past 5 and one half years? Was it DM or EDIG? What is the policy of the new firm? Hopefully we'll know, shortly.

This change from a large firm to a very small one could be beneficial. A single case is much more important to a small firm than it would be to a large firm.

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