Message: RE: This message board is getting sad-Doni-DaBoss

RE: This message board is getting sad-Doni-DaBoss

posted on Sep 28, 2005 12:23PM
Doni, I invested in NORFF after reading about Norris Communications and Elwood Norris in a US News and World Report article back in 1994.

The technology seemed fascinating to me and way ahead of its time. The world is flat now but I used to go to the library to see if I could find out any information about the little CA company. I`m jogging my memory but I believe at that time it was Incorporated in British Columbia and then later in Delaware. I took a gamble and my inital investment was about $5K. Gosh the brochure that they had mailed out to the investors regarding the Flashback TM and audio compression technology was awesome. Due to the internet ``flattener`` - the AOL Norris chatboard kept me interested and buying. If eDig ever does take off- that Flashback brochure will become invaluable.

I was sure it would take off. I figured they were about the only company that had this postage stamp kind of audio technology. Another company I was watching closely was SNDK -Sandisk. Ah, just kept putting my money into little old eDig. Wrong move. SNDK went up to almost $100/share at one time.

Boy, was I ever wrong. Saw my $4.25/share go to $.05/share. They missed the boat on that one.

And I`ve had my hopes up and down with all the subsequent failures: Lanier,DataPlay,DAP,Music website, etc. Now what`s happening with the PPVR?

I added over time but am way in the red. Should have sold back in `99 when it hit $24 for a day. Was still hopeful at $15. THen it began its steady decline. Now we`re down to a dime (again.) Holding at a dime for a while now. Can`t get much lower.

What gives? I`m still here but am really sratching my head wondering what it is I`ve been waiting for all these years?

Am I deluding myself?

PLEASE Give me some encouragement!

DaBoss, thanks for remaining hopeful. I used to count on TWOMIL but he`s been gone for years now-so I`m counting on you and few others to keep my vision focused on eDig`s future. Its history is just too sad to think about.


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