Message: You have got to be kidding

Nothing of the sort is going to happen until some real aggressive action takes place. Let a couple of billion dollars law suits take place . So far we got some flash in the pan that has not been reacted to by continued rise in the value of edig. Those that bought edig at 2 to 3 cents are the ones sounding off about two dollars. I don't blame them but even at two dollars , no one is paying attention because . Some one said that we have not even gone to 10 cents and we have this reaction. Its dreaming. The way we are going to make any head way is tht edig become's someones worst enemy. Let those your going after rethink what a law suit in the billions can mean for that company. Intend to go after those selling the products with million dollar law suits. None of that has happen.

Let hope that Fred is not interested in how much money he can get in salary if he just goes along with the status quo. We are in need of a tger and not a lamb here. Go for the jugular, maybe yopu'll get their attention.

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