Message: words I fear

In the past with Edig we have heard of the words like Partners, NDA, etc. These have created the pobl;ems that we have now worked through but it took many years and court procedures to finally say what belongs to EDIG. In essence we were screwed for years while these companies because of their NDA's were able to use What was ours an paid nothing while they made billions.

I just hope we don't make the same mistake with Nunchi. We don't need partners and we don't need NDA's. We need contracts. You want it you buy it period. This is what it will cost you. Period. If you use it and you don't have our permission you will be sued and for plenty and we will sue today. period. Lets not play the games they got away with in times past.

The only way that they will know that we mean bussines is to sue those that have infringed our patents with EDIG for real big money. period. Not his paultry amounts that we got from the recent settelments. JMHO

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