Message: What kind of news are we waiting for?

To say that we have had no news is not right. To say that we have not heard what the lawyer is doing is also not right . We have been kept abrest of certain developmnts Thay has cause a very positive reaction. But in reality is that what we are waiting for "NOW".

I'm not a negative person per say and really view what has happeed inrecent times trmendous. But the trype of news we need and want now might not be foreth coming . We have all these that have been dragged into couirt and we are awaiting a decision of the court where the ourcome of dollars amounts might never reach us or even be advertised as such and as a result have little or no effect on the PPS. News of a settlement with the dollar amount is what we think wil move the stock upwards. Anything short of that will mean very little.

A settlement means that what was negotiated a resolution of a crime that was committed and restitution paid and it resulted in a contract for the future. That is what will gets peoples attention. Do that 175 times and you got something. Dark room settlements never see the light of day and in the end someone gets screwed. JMHO. I have lived to long to have such complete confidence in any that they have all of our best interest at heart when they deal in a stealthy way. Open and verify. Has alway proved to be the best.

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