Message: Interesting patent article...

Hi Joe,

I considered sending this as a PM but I think the insight is worth sharing with the board.

I guess it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me that Qualcom had partnered with us and "Granted" us development money. If that was the case then why would they have filed their own patents unless they dovetailed with ours and filled in voids. I don't think that was the case. You might have a better sense of how their patents compare with ours.

If our Nuchi patent portfolio represents the Holy Grail of context awareness and that their 1 Billion $ R&D division attempted to develop and patent after we already applied, then I'd say our CA patents are worth a pretty big hunk of that 1Billion. It would also seem like this is going to take some time to play out if they play hardball. Not so much time if they recognize what we bring to the table and that persuing this in any kind of litigious way should be fruitless. Just negotiate an acceptable deal. I do believe Qualcom has deep pockets.

Appreciate the detail you provided in your last post.


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