Message: EDIG PR NEWS!

"fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory" is commonly known in the licensing world as FRAND pricing.

I take this as a message that EDIG/Handal has chosen to license to the various parties on more or less the same terms and/or percentage for each (infringing) product sold. Obviously there are many variables and ways to negotiate terms but in essence, this is how you communicate with each entity that they can expect to pay relatively the same as everyone else is paying (royalty/percentage-wise).

So this would set us up for a certain level of consistency in negotiations and final outcomes which is both good and bad I suppose. In order to get companies to settle prior to discovery or Markman, they're probably offering a fairly low rate. If someone wants to fight, the rate goes up of course. I'm glad Handal is making progress but I'm not expecting large numbers.

- Sinkman

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