Message: Two possible views on IPmetrics...
May 30, 2013 01:50PM

1. They were brought in to help Fred sell Nunchi because he wasn't getting anywhere on his own... kind of like when you put your house up for sale by owner to save on realtor fees, but then find you aren't able to generate any interest even though you advertise, have open houses, etc..

2. They were brought in because we had plenty of interest but needed help to value the IP, negotiate, and then close a deal.

Obviously I hope it is situation 2, however the problem I have with that is then why bother to advertise on your web site? At this level I think we would want/need a key partner, not several different licensees. An exclusive license would protect one's investment (in Nunchi) and make one's product/offering more valuable in the marketplace (product differentiation).

- Sinkman

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