Message: questions

The employees and BOD decide what to present and who is to do it.

They prepare a .ppt presentation and depending on the topic in the past, either RP or FF, one time in 2008 then again in 2011 they used Nunally. 08 was the infringement topic then 11 was NUNCHI demo video.

In 11 Fred was the lead during the .ppt

When Q&A hits, they already have a plan who will answer the question. At times more than one will chime in.

Fred took questions and had Nunally or Cucumelli answer, then he took his share.

As much as we demand more, they have to be selective for confidential reasons...just the way it is.

I have attended almost every SHM since 2000.

As to BS, the shareholders deliver such

All in all it's well done and great time to meet others.

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