Message: "Just added another 12K" to my boatload

I haven't added a single share since mid 2010, I have more important money needs, but would have liked to have added more at the single digit prices.

I hope for myself and for all of you that have added shares to enhance your boatload that our dreams come true and we will finally be rewarded for supporting edig for 5, 10, or 15 years.

I would like to think the patent settlements if we win most lawsuits could generate a couple hundred million and maybe substantially more if we win a large Apple settlement.

This wouln't be enough for someone to want to buy our little company, but if in addition we receive multiple Nunchi contracts and the market shows a real need for our platform and it generates significant income, then the share price may be strong enough for a fair return on our invesment. Likewise if the market responds to the Nunchi capabilities, it may bring about one or more buyout offers, which could be very rewarding.

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