Message: Just wondering

One would have to think what the effect of any challage that would be made by any of the others that were being sued. This has been going on for months iof not years. none of us knows the timing of when and if Apple did or did not try to get some imput from those others that were involved. Thats speculation of coarse but then so is a lot of other things cited here. It would have been a forgone conclusion that apple would be among those considered by EDIG. We here knew it and have said so long before it was announced. How they would react is also a forgone conclusion by how they also treated others as they went their merry way of stealing what belonged to others. Those that settled saw the end of the tunnel, apple seems to think that their size will be the difference. L:ets hope that the decision is made accdording to law and not opinion. We had that crap long enough.

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