Message: Kind of a similar pattern

We file against Apple, the elephant in the room, and seem to be moving along heading towards a trial and then, seemingly out of nowhere, a settlement with Apple is announced. We still do not know what, if anything changed hands. Fast forward to last week. On Oct. 20 SMAN posts that Intel wants to stay the litigation in order to have a mini Markman hearing in early Jan. to clarify some terms in the 108 patent. Only 4 days later on Oct. 24, a settlement with Intel is announced. Neither announcement caused the stock price to move up and, in fact, all it has done is a slow burn to the downside. Did Edig feel that they would not get a favorable ruling on items in question or did someone at Intel decide to not mess with it any longer and offered us something that was good enough? Maybe Intel got wind of a decision to remove 108 from the CE ruling and felt they would lose eventually so they paid up now? As is the norm with Edig, way more questions than answers. Maybe the similarity is simply that it is the way litigation works--smoothly moving in a direction and then a sudden change of course. In both cases someone gained the upper hand at least on that round.

Oct 27, 2014 09:48PM
Oct 27, 2014 11:00PM
Oct 28, 2014 03:34AM
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