Message: sorry to repeat this.

Justice means fairness. The scripture states it this way an eye for an eye.

Think about this in this way. What if. What if instead of Apple stealiong what belonged to EDIG , they got a liscence to use it. What value would that have made to edig. The U.S. patten office has already stated that certain pattens belonged to Edig. They were and still are the property of edig. Not one cent has ever been paid to EDIG for their use. Yet what ever Apple made and sold used what belonged to edig with out permission. In fact their chief officer admitted that the stole much of what they used.

Apple is today a hundred billion dollar company. They stared out being at the same level as edig and at the start went head to head with some of their products. Apple went to where it is today and could not have reached that height without edig. The question again is, what would edig be worth today if a liscence was obtained.

Do the same with the hundreds of other companies that have followed the example set by Apple. They just stole what did not belong to them. What is their value? How much would that have contributed to the value of edig if they to got a liscence to use edig's product.

That should be the direction of where we need to go in any kind of legal recourse. We want what vwe were suposed to get if they had done it the way they should have. Since they didn't today it should be compounded because theft was involved.

Lets not sell edig short. This issue can and should be a monumental issue that can stop this type of theft by awarding EDIG the billions it was denide as a result of the theft they were involved with.

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