Message: About infringers

One would wonder why it is so difficult for a person who has an idea that needs what some one else has a part of a patent that he needs in order for what he designed to work, that he just aviods a liscense.

None of it is done in ignorance. The person who needs it and steals it knows what he has done. The government has a patent office where ones ideas have been patented and there is a record as to who it belongs to.

That is what gets me angry. Edig has been violated by hundreds of companies that knew that they are stealing what does not belong to them. They know they don't have the patent of the part they need and they know who does and yet they with understanding know what they are doing when they use it with out the others permission or liscense.

What the hell is so difficult for these judges who see the law, have clerks who are soposed to be knowledgeable in patent design, and we get all this garbage of lawyering and the theives trying to waltz around and delaying an outcome that should be made with in weeks and not years.

Thats whu the penalties should be harsh so as to warn others of their intent to infringe can cost them millions which it should.

It seems that all we have done in this country was make a bussiness for theives and lawyers and most of all judges who will decide most cases by his opinion and not knowledge of the law.

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