Message: Micron defendant...

Another tidbit.....Micron asked for a reschedule to a later date for the trial Oct 27.....Judge Huff was quite adamant that she would not do that....Micron wanted at least 2-3 weeks...She asked him why, he stated prior conflicts. She asked him if ONE WEEK EARLIER, Oct 20th. would be OK, he hemmed and hawed, checked his calendar and finally agreed to the Oct 20th date, SUGGESTED BY JUDGE HUFF......Not only did his delay tactic backfire the trial got moved up.

Also, in regards to appeals, etc....I got the distinct impression from Judge Huff that any attempts to delay judicial decisions would be met with the utmost scrutinty if this case went against Micron......She did not deny Micron or suggest that it SHOULD NOT FILE APPEALS IF IT LOST but she definitely stated she wanted an end to this case and not have it drawn out "years' with appeals.....That was so evident in her statements to Micron

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