Message: Time & Sales - Friday 4/22/16 Vol 31,630 Closed at $0.03978

IMHO Nest Labs Markman Hearing will add additional weight to the "Nenchi Patent Portfolio". This opinion is Provided a successful Claim Term Ruling from the District Court Judge is obtained. The Meat and Potatoes is Dropcam case IPR Ruling December 2016 or Early 2017. It's a marathon race between Edigital and Dropcam until then. Dropcam, Nest Labs it's all Google or better yet Alphabet. There are several cases moving forward through litigation and several having been stayed. Those are the knowns. The unknowns who will settle and licence? Who will be added to the list of litigants? Who will licence Edigital Technologies without court intervention? Who will partner and develop products? Who will present a Buy Out Proposal??? All are obtainable objectives in a perfect world but last I looked we are far from perfect. As has been posted previously the Internet of Things, IOT is in its infancey with Goliaths and Start Up's fighting for markets. The markets with their product offerings are still being defined. The security of devices communicating through networks is still open for the right "Technology". Is that technology Edigital? Who knows that answer but surely being in the fight of evolving markets can prove well worth it IMHO. Have a Great Weekend

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