Message: GV Google Ventures & Google Acquisitions

Hi Frank,

The last time I visited Fred, I had an appointment. The door was locked, rang the bell, and Beth greeted me and had me wait for Fred in their entry way, lobby.

Fred came out in about 15 minutes, escorted me to the conference room, immediate left of the lobby.

While visiting, the bell rang a couple of times, UPS and Fed-Ex deliveries.

So I asked, what's with the door being locked, you did this at the previous office up the street the last 2 or so years too?

He said there are solicitors and others who wander in, roam around looking for someone to talk to, we have sensitive information on people's desk, it became a security issue as well, so we felt best to lock the doors.

I officed in Rancho Bernardo too near all the banks on Bernardo Center Dr. We too had issues with solicitors, even had 2 laptops stolen while people were in the office! We were locking the doors years before

You are very well known and liked by everyone at EDIG. I have only heard good things about you, also have met and talked with you at shm's.

They simply did not want any visitors for whatever reason, but if I were to guess at why, it's our buddies Curt (SEC guy) and Tony instructing everyone there, NO VISITORS!

I'd not read into it.....nor is it the 1st time they did not answer the door for you.

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