Message: Emails to Fred

Thanks for the kind offer bu there is no need for privacy.

My questions were related to why information that is already public is not recognized and referenced by the company in a PR or on its website. The Google deal being one example, the pacers shared here being another. Most NDAs are moot after public disclosure by an entity other than the two parties  Consider the headline for this board. "Google & Others Settle..." 

I also suggested that it would likely give investors comfort if the officers were to make the gesture of even a small amount of open market purchases.

Of course if they believe that something of substance was in the works immediately it would not be wise but over all the years, that could not have been true for ever based on performance. One could even announce in advance intent to buy a set quanity at some point in the future regardless of market price in the same way an officer must notify in advance that they intend to sell shares at some point in the future.

I cannot see how this would be a problem but without a response... It is like trying to comunicate with the Great Sphynx of Egypt 

Perhaps my email simply went to spam, I have no way to know. Hence my suggestion of registerd regular mail which is my next course of action. 

Again, thanks for your effort s in keeping things orderly here...  

Hoping again for somekind of news end of day or tomorrow from someone here if not from the company. 


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